Friday, December 14, 2007

Fall Fun 2007

Halloween time is a fun time for the children. Lauren made a lovely Cinderella. Our neighbor Robyn graciously donated the dress and shoes to us. A little alterations were made for a perfect fit.
Aaron, Beth, and Lauren did their trick or treating at Sweetwater Baptist Church's Fall Festival. Aaron was Obe Wan Kanobe, Beth was a cheerleader, and Lauren was Cinderalla. They got lots of candy and played wonderful games that were Christ centered.
Lauren visted Mrs. B. They made sugar cookies cut out as little and big roosters. They were really yummy! As you can see Mrs. B had just as much fun as Lauren.
Aaron and Lauren helped Daddy fly a kite at his 20 year class reunion picnic. Yes, we're telling our age. I don't know how much Aaron really helped, but he sure had fun posing for pictures. The picnic was held at the Goodyear Plant's golfcourse in Union City, Tennessee.

We'll update again after the new year. Thank goodness Donnelle keeps hers up to date; when I get hers it reminds me to update mine. Enjoy!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Summer Fun

The Breakers, Hilton Head SC. Our first trip as a family to HH and we had a blast. We enjoyed the beach, but the kids really enjoyed the pool the most.

July 1st at Granny's house in Union City TN. Her family reunion is celebrated every year with a 4th of July picnic and swimming. Lauren is enjoying the pool.

Aaron is soaking up some rays at Hilton Head. Like father like son -- we won't show Tim's pic.

Little Charlotte! She's lauren's kitten. We got her the day after we got Aaron's kitten. The children faught over who was going to pet Tiger and he seemed lonely so we decided one more outside cat wouln't hurt anything. Better get them fixed soon though!

Here's adorable Tiger! He's Aaron's kitten. He's always on the prowl and loves to pounce. He's a little timid -- of course wouldn't you be if a toddler kept throwing you into the bushes. We're working on taming Lauren, but it's a work in progress.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Fishing 'n This & That

Aaron's Big Catch - he caught 5 fish. Dad caught the biggest, and mom caught the smallest. Lauren was a really good girl; she practiced casting her little pole. Hers had a rubber fish on the end so she couldn't hook herself or anyone else. These sure fried up nicely; however, I didn't get any of them. Tim and his stepdad devoured them all.
Tim's mom and stepdad visited. This is all of us at Old McDonald's Fish Camp. The food was great and we had a good time visiting.
Lauren is blowing out the candle on her birthday cake. Her party had a Dora the Explorer theme. We had the celebration two weeks early due to Tim's mom visiting. If you ask Lauren how old she is she'll tell you "I'm 3", but then she'll also tell you her birthday is May 10.
Boy did we get lucky with the fingernail polish incident. Lauren was trying to paint what she calls her "no tails", and painted each toe very neatly. There wasn't a drop of polish anywhere else.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Riverbanks Zoo

We enjoyed a visit to the Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia, SC. The weather has been rather cold; however, we took a chance and went anyway. Our dress was perfect -- no clothes had to be shed, or added to enjoy the day. Above, Aaron and Lauren are enjoying feeding nectar to the Lorakeets. They had lots of fun doing this. We were some of the lucky few that didn't get bird fecies on us. Those that weren't paying attention to the location of the birds above them got special surprises on their heads and coats. Right, Aaron enjoys a quick rest on a rock. I finally got a picture of him without a fake smile, or a goofy pose. Well, Spring Break is over for us. It's back to the grind tomorrow.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Aaron and Lauren are in our new backyard.

Aaron & Lauren are ready to hunt for Easter eggs at Grandma's church.

Aaron and Lauren are in Maysville, SC.

Hello everyone. This is our first attempt at creating a blog so that we can share special moments with family and friends. This post will be short, but hopefully sweet.