Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Fishing 'n This & That

Aaron's Big Catch - he caught 5 fish. Dad caught the biggest, and mom caught the smallest. Lauren was a really good girl; she practiced casting her little pole. Hers had a rubber fish on the end so she couldn't hook herself or anyone else. These sure fried up nicely; however, I didn't get any of them. Tim and his stepdad devoured them all.
Tim's mom and stepdad visited. This is all of us at Old McDonald's Fish Camp. The food was great and we had a good time visiting.
Lauren is blowing out the candle on her birthday cake. Her party had a Dora the Explorer theme. We had the celebration two weeks early due to Tim's mom visiting. If you ask Lauren how old she is she'll tell you "I'm 3", but then she'll also tell you her birthday is May 10.
Boy did we get lucky with the fingernail polish incident. Lauren was trying to paint what she calls her "no tails", and painted each toe very neatly. There wasn't a drop of polish anywhere else.