Monday, July 16, 2007

Summer Fun

The Breakers, Hilton Head SC. Our first trip as a family to HH and we had a blast. We enjoyed the beach, but the kids really enjoyed the pool the most.

July 1st at Granny's house in Union City TN. Her family reunion is celebrated every year with a 4th of July picnic and swimming. Lauren is enjoying the pool.

Aaron is soaking up some rays at Hilton Head. Like father like son -- we won't show Tim's pic.

Little Charlotte! She's lauren's kitten. We got her the day after we got Aaron's kitten. The children faught over who was going to pet Tiger and he seemed lonely so we decided one more outside cat wouln't hurt anything. Better get them fixed soon though!

Here's adorable Tiger! He's Aaron's kitten. He's always on the prowl and loves to pounce. He's a little timid -- of course wouldn't you be if a toddler kept throwing you into the bushes. We're working on taming Lauren, but it's a work in progress.