Thursday, April 16, 2009

Calling Knoxville Home

Mom took this picture of our new home; she's not the camera buff. The right side of the house isn't showing, but it's just the other garage door. Anyways, it was tough finding a one story home around here. Most of the homes we saw were two stories. We're slowly getting settled in.
Can't wait to enjoy the swimming pool. It needs a bit cleaning up, and the yard needs some grading and lawn work. It's coming right along though.

Granddaddy and the kids chillin out on the sofa. Usually he has them all riled up cause he's been picking at them. This was just a good quiet moment to take a photo.

Decorating easter eggs for the Holiday with Grandma. It was lots of fun. The next day we had an easter egg hunt, but both cameras had dead batteries, so there won't be pictures of that festive moment.